Christian Girls Chat, Empowerment, Faith, Women

Heart Trouble 101

Margie is not a doctor or a nurse, so she cannot diagnose diseases or ailments of the body or mind. But I do have a few family members who are.   So I’ve been told typically when a person is having shortness of breath or chest pains it sometimes attributes to a heart problem.   When there is a “heart problem,” usually a doctor prescribes medication; if it’s extreme, they sometime suggest heart surgery.  When discussing these heart issues with the family, the patient may say “I have heart trouble.”  

If one is not familiar with the term, they may ask what “heart trouble” is when it comes to the physical body. If they are speaking with a physician, then the definition given will be along the lines of: when the heart is not pumping blood fast enough to keep it circulating throughout the body.  As I said before, there may be remedies and possibly a cure for that particular physical heart problem.  

However, that heart that pumps blood is the heart that will not last forever. The one I want to talk about today, will.  This heart is the one that gets communication from GOD through His Word!  This heart gives you comfort through trials and tribulations and peace for your soul.

So now I introduce to you class:


In the past few days we have had an election in our great United States of America. Sometimes we see our election system demoralized or even minimized; causing me to see the importance of Christians to behave just like our name says we ought to.

The world is a very difficult place, and oftentimes people outside the arms of Jesus aren’t looking like Him. Yet, it can also be said that “we” aren’t looking like Him either, which is why it is so important to work on the heart.  It can be challenging at times to navigate the feelings we have or even the thoughts. So keep this in mind class – it is heart trouble and just like the physical heart – the spiritual heart can be healed!

Let’s look back on when the Israelites left Egypt.  Moses led them into the wilderness at GOD’s command and knowingly (by Moses’s guidance) the Israelites would have to trust GOD, follow his lead and know that HE would provide for them because they were His chosen people. Now remember there were many times when the Israelites were traveling through the wilderness. And GOD saw fit for them to struggle with different obstacles so that their attitudes could be adjusted and they would ask GOD for His healing.  These people/GOD’s chosen had a way of testing GOD as oppose to trusting GOD. 

However, our GOD in His infinite wisdom wanted the Israelites to remember to rely on Him and not themselves. Yet people are people and they reverted to the flesh and began to rebel and developed hardened hearts often.  This allowed their spiritual arteries to open and made it vulnerable for a spiritual heart attack.  Which cost all but a few from seeing the Promised Land of GOD’s promises.

Hebrews 3: 9-11 The best question on the table is “How can I keep my spiritual heart healthy and not have spiritual heart disease?” I love the book of Hebrews and also how it begins with the letter H (heart).  To me, the Hebrew writing deals with the heart; at least it hits mine.  See how he answers that previous question. 

Hebrews 3:12-13 12-Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you and evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God, 13- but exhort one another daily while it is called Today, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.  

The real problem is in the heart (mind) if it does NOT BELIEVE.  The practice of unbelieving will cause your heart to develop clogged spiritual artery problems.  This can become so heavy that one will even leave the protection of GOD.  Yes, remember earlier I said that the Israelites weren’t taking care of their hearts, but were allowing their heart to be open to spiritual decay? Well, we are also capable of being that way.  They were easily falling away from GOD and neglecting their chore and that was to serve ALMIGHTY GOD.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 

Can you imagine knowing what you can do to improve your heart and not doing anything about it? The symptoms of spiritual heart trouble just like physical heart trouble needs to be acknowledged and diagnosed. Then, there needs to be a treatment plan.

Now for our treatment plan: 

  1. Go into God’s Word and study and apply 2 Timothy 2:15 study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the work of truth.
  2. How are you praying for others over self James 5:16  confess our faults one to another an pray one for another that ye may be healed.  The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
  3. Are you giving your all to HIM– your whole mind, body and soul- not sharing yourself with any other? 1 Corinthians 6:20  For you were bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are GOD’s
  4. Are you making time or HIM spend some time with him  Deuteronomy 8:6: Observe the commands of the LORD your GOD by walking in His ways and by fearing Him.  Ephesians 2:10;  for we are HIS creation, created in CHRIST JESUS for good works, which GOD prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them   1 John 2:6; The one who says he resides in GOD ought himself to walk just as JESUS walked

When we walk with the Lord, we draw closer to the Lord with all our heart, and He becomes our focus. And we desire to be like Him and our worldly wants decrease. 

My priority is to be here for You My Loves.  I am here to Encourage, Uplift and Inspire!

I SO love you all and I want you to know that I need you to help me through the obstacles that I may face. I want to be that for you as well.  Oh yes, I am my Sisters Keeper.  We are not just to acknowledge our direct bond, but we are also expected to live like GOD would have us to.  We all make mistakes and need to be refocused or deterred from what is not acceptable to HIM.  So when that happens, let’s be kind to ourselves and acknowledge that GOD is the GOD of second chances. So be comforted in knowing that HE is still here for you. He does not want you to give up on the beautiful journey you are on towards heaven.  Don’t get distracted from why you are here as well as what HE has for you.  Live life for HIM and be especially encouraging to those around you.  Everyone needs positive Pick-Me-Ups one time or another.   

So we have come to the end of this lesson class:  Heart Trouble 101

Don’t lose hope. And when the physical heart hurts or needs assistance the doctor may say take an aspirin daily, so be sure to take it. And when a Christian’s heart needs medication for heart trouble, the solution is The Word of God.  Make sure to swallow it daily.  Get it? 


5 thoughts on “Heart Trouble 101”

  1. Thank you Margie, your blog is truly food for my soul!! I appreciate your willingness to help us along our spiritual journey!❤🥰


    1. Oh my love its for me as well. Thank you for your subscription and I pray that even in hard times (have had some hiccups) that I will keep my focus on HIM and what HE would have me to do. I just want to be a light for others to guide them to HIM.


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